A God Who Comes to PartiesJan 13, 20191995-01-15SERMONSPrinted and highlighted sermon from 1995. OCR has been used to create a text version, as well. The OCR thought that God was Cod, which I found funny.
HindsightSep 29, 20171995-12-31SERMONSThis sermon was written on the last day of 1995 for the First Sunday of Christmas.
GOD'S LOVE BREAKS THROUGH WHEN HEARTS ARE BROKEN TEARFULLYSep 21, 20171995-03-01SERMONSI found this sermon in both typed and digital formats.
WHEN THERE'S MORE HERE THAN IS HERESep 20, 20171995-02-26SERMONSI found two copies of this sermon in the archives - one was black and white, the other was higlighted. I’m including the highlighted version here.